How can I stop my PS3 from freezing during games?My PS3 works fine for every other game except for LittleBigPlanet-my favorite game!When I first got it I do admit i played the game for atleast 2-3 hrs for four days.But then the game all of of a sudden started to freeze whenever I decided to play.

It's been a year or so now and I tried playing it yesterday and it flat out froze!
Please help my PS3 works PERFECT and even so more with demos,TVersity,PlayStation Network,internet and much more but this game is really getting on my nerves!

Every other game works,what's the problem?It's not in warranty either so calling SCEA isn't an option.

are you sure there are no scratches on your LBP disc, or it might be the internal laser that reads the disc might be out of tune

-Varun K
It might be overheating buy a cheap PS3 fan and see if that works

-kratosbbm °
look if the disc has scratches on it.the same thing happened to me with my Assassin's Creed disc.
good luck!

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