PS3 system update problem (Heavy Rain)?

发贴者 PocketPCfans | 5:37:00 PM

PS3 system update problem (Heavy Rain)?I haven't played Heavy Rain in a while, and I put it in to play, and it said it needed to do a software update to play the game. So I said "ok", and now I can't play it without the PS Eye and Move controller, which I don't have. How do I get it back to the way it was before?

Go to Game Data Utility in game menu (NOT Game Saved Utility), then delete heavy rain data (this data is for installation and updates), don't worry the saved data won't be touched, because its stored in Game Saved Utility.
Then insert the game into ps3, without internet connection, so the game won't be updated again, and enjoy the game.
Hope that helps.

-Mistah J
You might have something backward. You don't NEED the Move to play Heavy Rain. You can use Move now, yes, but you don't NEED to.

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