PS3 Media Server Problems Please Help?

发贴者 PocketPCfans | 5:36:00 PM

PS3 Media Server Problems Please Help?I have HD movies on my computer (.mkv format) and I would to copy them to my PS3 but because they are over 4GBs I can't put them on a USB drive, so I have to use my network. I am currently using PS3 media server to do this, I have a PS3 slim 120GB and I have tried using PS3 Media Server 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 I always get the same problem. The problem I have is when I am copying files, I will either get an error or more commonly, it will continue copying past the file size, yesterday it copied a 8GB file over to 22GBs. This is really confusing any help or other suggestions as to how to get my files onto my PS3 would be much appreciated

Convert MKV. to M2TS


Just covert the HD file to M2TS then Start the media sever software once it finds your ps3, grab your ps3 controller find the sever square on your ps3. It'll be the same name as your PC once you click on it, you'll be inside your pc find the spot you save your M2TS file, then just copy it to your ps3 it may take a few mins, but it won't be a M2TS file anymore the program will covert the folder of the codec to MP4 but its still HD.

-Jone Zac
well, u can convert mkv to m2ts or mp4 for playback on ps3.
And i always use this Video Converter ( ) to help me convert mkv to m2ts so that i can play mkv files on ps3. And the output quality is great after conversion.

U can have a try too

good luck

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