What secrets are there in Fallout 3 for the PS3?

发贴者 PocketPCfans | 9:37:00 PM

What secrets are there in Fallout 3 for the PS3?I have this game and my friend told me there were alien blasters throughout D.C.. Does anybody know where to find them or any other secrets?

There is a crashed spaceship with a dead alien and his gun /w ammo somewhere...i'm not sure where. Google it. Fallout 3 is full of little interesting tidbits!

umm go on u tube u pee brain

check out this site,it may have what your looking for.http:// fallout.wikia.com hope this helps.

-casper S
The UFO is random. It can happen anywhere on the map. You have to notice an explosion in the sky first. I got it right outside of tenpenny towers the first time, then near oasis, then near little lamp. Its completely random. The explosion won't happen off screen, or somewhere you are not, you just have to watch for it.

-Jamie T
there are lots of secrets in fallout 3. check out fort constantaine to find hidden power armour and other secrets. find the crashed alien ship and getthe lien blaster. The haunted dunwich building is good because you can see ghosts and stuff. the old oleny sewers are good too. lastly try deathclaw sanctuary, it contains abooblehead, lots of amm and equipment and a custom lazer gatlin near a rock.

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